FBHF] THelpTopic +-----------------------------+ | Race Log Release 2.7 (beta)| | (SHAREWARE VERSION) | | ELB Software | | Copyright (c) 1997 | +-----------------------------+ THelpTopic ============= Enter Finishes Dialog box ============= Select Edit | Enter Finishes Automatically determines current race: d - Positions you at the next Race to enter - Prompts you for the Finish to enter (1st, 2nd, etc) You type the racer's: - First Name and/or - Last Name and/or - Sail Number ( You may enter an abbreviation such as "Al" for Albert. Enter "Al " to find Al. The Status line will tell you if there is an error. (more...) Don't type the quotes. ) Then click the Do It button, or press Enter. Use the Add button to add a new racer. When you enter a new racer's Name or Sail Number and that sailor is not found the Status line will tell you that no Sailor is found. Then click Add, or Alt-A to add the sailor. The RACE: box in the upper left will automatically position The Finish box in the upper right will automatically prompt you for the next Finish. You can override this by typing into the box (1 for 1st, 2 for 2nd, etc.), or click on DNF, DSQ, or DNS. DNS's are assumed if no finish is entered. THelpTopic ============= File Menu ============= The File menu provides commands for - New - for creating a new score data file - Open - for opening an existing score file - Close - for closing the active window - Save - for saving files of scoring data - SaveAs - to save data to a different file - Saveonto - to save data onto the end of a file - Exit - for quiting the Race Log system New Open Close Save SaveAs SaveOnto Exit THelpTopic ============= File | Exit (Alt-X) ============= The Exit command terminates this Race Log session. THelpTopic ============= File | Open ============= The Open menu selection will display a dialog box which allows you to select a scoring file to open. You will always be placed into the \rlog\data directory by default. You can change directories by double-clicking with your mouse on the "..\" entry at the end of the file list, and then navigate to the appropriate directory. You may also type the fully qualified filename in the input line. THelpTopic ============ Help Index ============ START HELP USING CLEAR FINISHES COMMANDS DATA ENTRY DATE DNF, definition scoring DOCUMENTATION ERROR CHECKING FILE HANDLING FORMAT Report FORMAT Screen FORMAT Build Screen FORMAT Build Report KEYBOARD OVER-RIDE POINTS PRINTING PRINT PRINT SELECT CLASS DIVISION SELECT FINISHERS RANGE SCORE SCORING SCORING METHODS OPTIONS SYSTEM OPTIONS TEAM SCORING THROWOUTS THelpTopic DATA ENTRY Screen Editing DATA ENTRY "Enter Finishes" Dialog THelpTopic Full Screen Data Entry: < Name... Class Number ..... 001: You may either: 4 1- enter new data, or 2- edit existing data on the screen under the above column headings. c Enter the sailor's Name and/or Sail Number and his or her Finish in the appropriate Race column (RC_1, etc.). Enter the Racer's actual Finish, not the racer's points. The points will be calculated by Race Log. If you need to Over-ride the points, then enter the actual points with a decimal point, such as "4.5 or 4.0 or 4.". (Don't type the quotes). Q Use the Home Key to move the cursor between the Command line and the Data area. " Be sure to Save your data often. THelpTopic ========= Sort Dialog Box ========= Select "Edit" | "Sort..." The score data can be Sorted for conveniently ordering the data on the screen, such as - alphabetically by name - note that you can Sort by last name even if your names are "First Last" as opposed to "Last, First". - by Class - by Sail Number - by a specific Race If you Save your data after sorting, the data will be saved in the new sorting order. THelpTopic ============ Insert Record ============ Select "Edit" | "Insert Record" A new Racer record will be inserted on the screen. You must place the Cursor at the line where you wish to insert. A blank racer record will be inserted before the line of the cursor. Just type in the new data for the new racer. Remember to Save the file in order for the Insert to be permanent. THelpTopic ============= Delete Record ============= Select "Edit" | "Delete Record" This will delete the racer record at the cursor position. The "Ctl-Del" key combination will also delete the record. See Keys for more information on Hot Keys. You may not delete a record from a Data window which has an open Score Result window - an error message will be displayed. Remember to Save the file in order for the Delete to be permanent. THelpTopic ========== Score ========== Select the "Score" menu item to calculate the scores and positions for the race data in the active window. A result window will open and display the results. The result window can be Printed using the Print menu selection or the Print command. If there are any errors, error messages will be displayed indicating the problem. Race Log will check for: - missing finishes - duplicate finishes - finishes higher than the number of participants - minimum participation requirements - inconsistent throwout option Correct the errors in the scoring data window and re-Score. You may also use the "Score" Command to calculate scores. THelpTopic ============= Select Class... Dialog Box ============= Select "Score" | "Select Class..." Separate your fleet into Classes or Divisions and Score them separately. w An example is a Junior fleet for which you need separate standings, and also need standings within the overall fleet. A new window with your selected subset of data will be opened. This can be Scored just like the main scoring data window. You will be asked whether you want to calculate scores relative to 1, ie. there will be gaps in finishes because this is a subset of the main fleet file. If you select YES then Race Log will convert the finishes to a gapless sequence from 1 to n. The conversion is only for the current score calculation. The actual data is not changed. If you select NOT Class to One, then Race Log will calculate total scores identical to the whole fleet score, but will rank just the selected subset (Class, Divsion). This operations requires that you Score the whole fleet first. You will be told to do so by Race Log. n The scoring data in the subset window can be saved to a separate file using the SaveAs menu item or command. THelpTopic ============= Print All ============= Select "Print" | "Print All" Print the information in the active window. You'll be prompted for a new Title for the report. If you leave the Title entry blank, a default Title will print on the report. Supported printer types are: - Laser printers (such as HP LaserJet and HP Desk Jet) - Dot Matrix (such as Panasonic KX-P1123... series). Select the type of printer with the System Settings menu selection. Any window can be printed including the Scoring data window and the Error message window. THelpTopic ============= Print From/To Dialog Box ============= Select "Print" | "Print From/To" This menu selection allows you to print a selected portion of the active window. Select the Starting Line number and the Ending Line number of the data or score results window (example: "1 5" for selecting lines 1 through 5 of the active window). (Don't type the quotes.) THelpTopic ==================== Print Score Option ==================== Select "Print" | "Print Score Option Settings" This menu selection will print the Active Scoring Options which are being used to calculate your racing results. These will also print automatically along with your results if you have specified this in the "Print | Set Report Printing Options..." section. THelpTopic COMMANDS... BOTTOM CHANGEID FIND FINDNext LOCATE PRINT REMOVEID SAVE SAVEAS SAVEONTO SCORE SELECT SORT THelpTopic SCORE f Enter SCORE to calculate scores and standings (same as selecting Score from pulldown menu). THelpTopic FIND Examples: FIND "CHARLIE" to locate Charlie in your data window, the search always starts at the beginning of the file and searches all columns and records. The quotes are optional. FIND CHARLIE in Name to locate Charlie's record in the Name column. FIND 1 in RC_9 to locate the winner of the nineth race. ** FIND and FINDN(ext) are repeatable commands. Just hit the Enter key after a FIND in order to repeat the FIND. ** THelpTopic FINDN Example: FINDN RALPH to Find the Next occurance of Ralph after an initial FIND command positions you into the data. FIND and FINDN(ext) are repeatable commands. Just hit the Enter key after a FIND in order to repeat the FIND. THelpTopic LOCATE c Example: LOCATE 15 positions you at the 15th record or line in the active window. THelpTopic PRINT k Example: PRINT to print the race results, or to print the raw data in the data window. THelpTopic SELECT Examples: SELECT "IL" in St to create Illinois subset SELECT "JR" IN Class to create a subset window with Junior racers. SELECT "A" or "B" in Div to create a subset window with Division A and Division B sailors. SELECT "SMITH" IN Name to create a subset window with all the Smith's who are in the data window. ( IN, which limits your search to a Column, all data will be searched if you don't use the IN parameter.) THelpTopic Enter TOP to position you to the top, or first record in your active window. THelpTopic BOTTOM b Enter BOTTOM to position you to the bottom, or last record in your active window. THelpTopic REMOVEID Examples: REMOVEID (or abbreviate to RID) to remove the current window. RID 03 to remove the window labeled with ID 03. THelpTopic CHANGEID d Example: CHANGEID 03 (or abbreviate to CID) to switch to the window labeled ID 03. THelpTopic SORT K Examples: SORT Class to redisplay your race data in sequence by Class, this will group together racers in the same Class. Up to 3 classes may be entered to do sorts within sorts. SORT Class Number to sort by Sail Number, within Class SORT RC_2 to sort by the finishes in Race 2 THelpTopic SAVE SAVE to save the data in the currently active window (same as selecting SAVE from the FILE pulldown menu). The file will be saved in the \RLOG\DATA directory unless you specify another path. THelpTopic SAVEAS Example: SAVEAS A:FLEET.DAT saves the data in the currently active window into the specified file which may or may not already exist. You will be asked permission to overwrite an existing file. This is a handy way to create a backup of your fleet onto a floppy disk. (same as selecting SAVEAS from the FILE pulldown menu). The file will be saved in the \RLOG\DATA directory unless you specify another path. THelpTopic SAVEONTO Example: SAVEONTO A:BIG.DAT saves the data in the currently active window onto the end of the specified file. You will be prompted if the file does not exist in order to create a new one. This will allow you to add racers to the racers on an existing file, but it does not add races onto an existing file. (same as selecting SAVEONTO from the FILE pulldown menu). The file will be saved in the \RLOG\DATA directory unless you specify another path. THelpTopic ============= System Settings ============= Select "Options" | "System Settings..." System Limits: ( In general these 2 settings can be left alone. ) Maximum Number of Races - This is set to 100 by default. This means that a maximum of 100 races can be entered for each racer into a scoring file. Maximum Number of RaceRs - This is set to 100 by default. This means that a maximum of 100 racers can be entered into the scoring file. ( You may set these limits to a different number if you have a larger or smaller fleet or race series. A higher number may reduce performance, and a lower number means better performance.) Select Printer Type: - Dot Matrix (such as Panasonic KX-P1123..., etc, series) - Laser Jet (such as HP Laser Jet or Desk Jet series). Set - sets your selections for this Race Log session. Save - saves your selections so they will stay set until you change them again. Cancel - just cancel and don't change settings. THelpTopic ============= Score Method... ============= Select "Options" | "Score Method..." Click on the Score method: - Low Point - Low Point Averaged - High Point - High Point Average - High Point Fixed - High Point Fixed Average - Bonus Point - Then the "Options" Dialog Box will appear with the current scoring Options for your selected scoring method. THelpTopic High Point Method: A First receives the highest score. Each yacht is scored one point for finishing (see Finish Bonus) and one point for each starting yacht it beats. Each yacht's score is totaled and the highest score wins. Throw-outs in this method don't make sense so they are not calculated. Options for High Point Score Settings... Finish Bonus =: This specifies how many points to add to each Finishing yacht. This is typically 1, however the number can be changed here. A yacht's score is the number of yacht's it beats plus this bonus. Start Bonus =: This specifies how many points to add to each Starting yacht. This is typically 0, however number can be changed here. A Start bonus makes non-attendance more severe Bonus for 1st, 2nd, 3rd: A partial point bonus, such as .25, or any decimal number less than 1, will be added to each 1st (or 2nd, or 3rd). Each bonus may be a different value or 0. DNC: This value specifies how many points will be scored for a non-starter. This is usually set to 0 for the High Point Method since usually only Starters are calculated in the score. MORE.. Click here to set whether non-Starters, (DNC's), are counted in the High point scoring. The default is *Not Counted*. If set to Counted, then non-Starters are counted as defeated in races in which they did not start when calculating a Starter's score. DNS, DNF, RET: This value specifies how many points will be scored for a Did Not Start, Did Not Finish, and Retired. This is usually set to 1 for the High Point Method. DSQ, DND, OCS: This value specifies how many points will be scored for Disqualified, Disqualified Not Discardable, and On Course Side(Over Early), usually a 1, but greater than a DNC. Minimum Starters: This tells the Race Log system not to score a race below a minimum number of racers. An error message will alert you to this condition when scoring. % of Races to Qualify: Used to ensure that a racer has sailed in the specified percentage of the total number of series races in order to qualify for a series. Enter 0 if no checking is required. This is usually set to a percentage > O on the last "scoring" of the season to produce the final standings. If a racer started in less than the required % of races, then he will not have a total score. He is however counted as a participant. This option is not as important for High Point as other methods since participation is rewarded with points. THelpTopic High Fixed Point Method: A First receives the highest score. This score is pre-set by the race committee and set in the Top Score box. Each subsequent finisher is scored one point less than the yacht ahead. Each yacht's score is totaled and the highest score wins. Throw-outs in this method don't make sense so they are not calculated. If the Top Score is less than the number of Starters, Race Log will use the number of Starters as the Top Score. See High Point for option settings. THelpTopic High Fixed Point Average Method: A First receives the highest score. This score is pre-set by the race committee and set in the Top Score box. Each subsequent finisher is scored one point less than the yacht ahead. Each yacht's score is totaled and divided by the number of races it starts. The highest score wins. Throw-outs in this method don't make sense so they are not calculated. If the Top Score is less than the number of Starters, Race Log will use the number of Starters as the Top Score. See High Point for option settings. THelpTopic High Point Average Method: A First receives the d highest score. Each yacht is scored one point for finishing (see Finish Bonus) and one point for each starting yacht it beats. Each yacht's score is totaled and divided by the number of races it Starts. The highest score wins. Throw-outs in this method don't make sense so they are not calculated. See High Point for option settings. THelpTopic Low Point Method: A First receives the lowest score usually 1 or .75, second receives 2, third receives 3, and so on, as specified by US Sailing Association's "International Yacht Racing Rules". A yachts's score is the total of all its finishes. The lowest score wins. Options for Low Point Score Settings... % of Races to Throwout: This number is the percent of the races which won't count. Scores are thrown starting from the worst scores per racer including DNC's. These scores are not included in a yacht's total score. A setting of 20 indicates 20%. If 20% represents a fractional number then the number of throwouts is rounded down. First Place Points: This is usually 1 or .75 DNC = Entrants +: The DNC penalty is added to r the number of Entrants, or Starters. This is typically 1 or 2 for the Low Point Method. MORE.. Click here to set whether the DNC penalty will be added to the number of Entrants in the Series, or the number of Starters in a given race. DNF = Starters +: This is the penalty for a Did Not Finish (DNF). The value is added to the number of Starters, Entrants, or Finishers in a race to arrive at the DNF points. This is typically 1 for the Low Point Method. MORE.. Click here to set whether the DNF penalty will be added to the number of Entrants in the Series, the number of Starters in a race, or the number of Finishers in a race. DNS, RET = Starters +: This is the penalty for a Did Not Start, and Retired. The value is added to the number of Starters or Entrants to arrive at the DNS or RET points. This is typically 1 for the Low Point Method. MORE.. Click here to set whether the DNS, RET penalty will be added to the number of Entrants in the Series, the number of Starters in a race, or the number of Finishers in a race. DSQ, DND, OCS = Starters +: This is the penalty for K a Disqualified, Disqualified Not Discardable, and On Course Side(Over Early). The value is added to the number of Starters or Entrants to arrive at the points. This is typically 1 for the Low Point Method. The MORE.. setting for DNS, RET applies to DSQ, DND, OCS. Minimum DNC Score: This specifies the value which the DNC points can be no lower than. A value of 10 means that a DNC will be 10 or greater, no matter how few entrants were in the race. Minimum Starters: This tells the Race Log system not to score a race below a minimum number of racers. An error message will alert you to this condition when scoring. % of Races to Qualify: Used to ensure that a racer has sailed in the specified percentage of the total number of series races in order to qualify for a series. Enter 0 if no checking is required. This is usually set to a percentage > O on the last "scoring" of the season to produce the final standings. If a racer started in less than the required % of races, then he will not have a total score. He is however counted as a participant. This option is useful for Low Point to ensure adequate participation in seasonal series. THelpTopic Low-Point Averaged Method: A First receives the V lowest score, Second receives 2, third receives 3, and so on, as specified by US Sailing Association's "International Yacht Racing Rules". The resulting finishing score is an average of the racers' finishes for actual races scored, not including DNS's. A race which is not attended is considered not scored. Options for Low-Point Averaged Settings... % of Races to Throwout: This number is the percent of the races which won't count. Scores are thrown starting from the worst scores per racer not including DNC's. Using a percentage implies that each racer may receive a different number of throwouts depending on how many of their races are scored. A setting of 20 indicates 20%. If 20% represents a fractional number then the number of throwouts is rounded down. First Place Points: This is usually 1 or .75 DNC = Entrants +: This value is NOT used for the Low-Pt Averaged method. Only races STARTTED are counted. So the "% of Races to Qualify" setting must be used to insure accurate and fair standings, otherwise a single win will steal the series. MORE.. Ignored for Low-Pt Averaged method. . DNF = Starters +: This is the penalty for a Did Not Finish (DNF). The value is added to the number of Starters, Entrants, or Finishers in a race to arrive at the DNF points. This is typically 1 for the Low Point Ave Method. MORE.. Click here to set whether the DNF penalty will be added to the number of Entrants in the Series, the number of Starters in a race, or the number of Finishers in a race. DNS, RET = Starters +: This is the penalty for a Did Not Start, and Retired. The value is added to the number of Starters or Entrants to arrive at the DNS or RET points. This is typically 1 for the Low Point Ave Method. MORE.. Click here to set whether the DNS, RET penalty will be added to the number of Entrants in the Series, the number of Starters in a race, or the number of Finishers in a race. DSQ, DND, OCS = Starters +: This is the penalty for X a Disqualified, Disqualified Not Discardable, and On Course Side(Over Early). The value is added to the number of Starters or Entrants to arrive at the points. This is typically 1 for the Low Point Ave Method. The MORE.. setting for DNS, RET applies to DSQ, DND, OCS. Minimum DNC Score: This specifies the value which the DNC points can be no lower than. A value of 10 means that a DNC will be 10 or greater, no matter how few entrants were in the race. Minimum Starters: This tells the Race Log system not to score a race below a minimum number of racers. An error message will alert you to this condition when scoring. % of Races to Qualify: This setting is ^ extremely important for Low-Pt Ave method. You may want to set it for the whole series, otherwise a single 1st will skew the results since DNC's are not calculated in the score. This is used to ensure that a racer has sailed in the specified percentage of the total number of series races in order to qualify for a series. Enter 0 if no checking is required. This is usually set to a percentage > O on the last "scoring" of the season to produce the final standings for the other methods. THelpTopic Bonus Point Method: A First receives 0, second - 3, third - 5.7, fourth - 8, fifth 10, sixth 11.7, seventh and thereafter - Place + 6 as specified by US Sailing Association's "International Yacht Racing Rules". You may override any of the following settings. Options for Bonus Point Method Settings... % of Races to Throwout: This number is the percent : of the races which won't count. Scores are thrown starting from the worst scores per racer. A setting of 20 indicates 20% - this is the default for the Bonus Point Method. If 20% represents a fractional number then the number of throwouts is rounded down. First Place Points: This is 0 for the 0 Bonus Point Method, but can be changed. DNC = Entrants +: This is the penalty for a Did Not Sail (DNC). The value is added to the number of participants in the series to arrive at the DNS points. DNF = Starters +: This is the penalty for a Did Not Finish (DNF). The value is added to the number of Starters in a race or Entrants in the Series to arrive at the DNF points. MORE.. Click here to set whether the DNF z penalty will be added to the number of Entrants in the Series, the number of Starters in a race. DNS, RET = Starters +: This is the penalty for a Did Not Start, and Retired. The value is added to the number of Starters or Entrants to arrive at the DNS or RET points. This is typically 1 for the Bonus Point Method. MORE.. Click here to set whether the DNS, RET penalty will be added to the number of Entrants in the Series, the number of Starters in a race, or the number of Finishers in a race. DSQ, DND, OCS = Starters +: This is the penalty for M a Disqualified, Disqualified Not Discardable, and On Course Side(Over Early). The value is added to the number of Starters or Entrants to arrive at the points. This is typically 1 for the Bonus Point Method. The MORE.. setting for DNS, RET applies to DSQ, DND, OCS. Minimum DNC Score: This specifies the value which the DNC points can be no lower than. A value of 10 means that a DNC will be 10 or greater, no matter how few entrants were in the race. Minimum Starters: This tells the Race Log system not to score a race below a minimum number of racers. An error message will alert you to this condition when scoring. % of Races to Qualify: Used to ensure that a racer has sailed in the specified percentage of the total number of series races in order to qualify for a series. Enter 0 if no checking is required. THelpTopic ============== HELP USING HELP ============== The HELP System can be invoked by pressing the F1 key. Also many dialog boxes have a "Help" push button. Use the Mouse, or Tab to the "Help" button and press Enter. Information about the current screen or menu item will be displayed. The Help screen may contain Highlighted words. Mouse click on these words to obtain cross-referenced information about on these highlighted Help topics. Or Tab from one highlighted topic to the next and press Enter. THelpTopic KEYBOARD MAP (letters may be UPPER or lower case) @ Alt-E invoke Edit menu Alt-H invoke Help menu Alt-F invoke File menu Alt-O invoke Options menu Alt-P invoke Print menu Alt-S invoke Score menu Alt-W invoke Window menu Alt-X Exit Race Log Arrow(s) moves cursor Delete deletes character at cursor Ctl-Delete deletes record at cursor F1 invoke Help for current context F2 insert record before cursor Ctl-F2 insert record after cursor F3 repeat character from line above F4 edit Race Date F5 turn off indenting for Enter key F6 next window F8 scroll one page left Ctl-F8 scroll to far left F9 scroll one page right Ctl-F9 scroll to far right F10 invoke menu Home toggle cursor between command line and data window Insert toggle between Insert and Overtype mode PageUp scroll up one page Ctl-PageUp scroll to top PageDown scroll down one page Ctl-PageDn scroll to bottom Tab move cursor to next column Shift-Tab move cursor to previous column Hot Keys on Menu items are highlighted in Red THelpTopic SCORE RESULT WINDOW This window is the list of standings calculated by Race Log. You may scroll through the standings with the Mouse or Scrolling Keys. Use the Print command or the Print menu to print the results. Check the Options menu to insure you have selected the right printer. THelpTopic ERROR(s) WINDOW This window displays the errors found by Race Log. Error checking looks for: - missing finishes - duplicate finishes - finishes higher than the number of participants - minimum participation requirements - inconsistent throwout option Correct the errors in the scoring data window and re-Score. Error checking can be turned OFF by selecting the "Error Checking..." item from the "Options" pull down menu. You may need to turn it Off if you are required to override your score results with Over-ride points. This is sometimes required in order to fulfill special scoring situations. When over-riding finishes with Over-ride points you must enter the points with a decimal point in the Race Column instead of a racer's finish position. THelpTopic DOCUMENTATION ? Most of the Documentation for Race Log is in the HELP System. For a complete printout of the documentation, print one of the document files found in the \RLOG directory or the installation diskette using your Word Processor. THelpTopic ========= Calendar ========= Select "Calendar" from the "Help" pull down menu for a monthly calendar. Mouse click on the Up of Down arrows to move to the next or previos month. THelpTopic ========== Calculator ========== Select "Calculator" from the "Tools" pull down menu for a calculator. Use the Mouse to work the calculator. THelpTopic ======== Format ======== Select "Format" | "Select Screen Format..." Following are samples of the Screen Formats: i Normal format - Name... Class Number RC_1 RC_2 ... xxxxxx xx xxxxxx 1 1 Short format - Name... Number RC_1 RC_2 RC_3 ... xxxxxx xxxxxx 1 2 1 Club format - Name... Class Number Club RC_1 RC_2 ... xxxxxx xx xxxxxx xxxxx 1 1 Country format- Name... Class Number Club Ctry RC_1 ... xxxxx xx xxxxxx xxxxx xxx 1 The format can be changed to accomodate the type of data you want to keep of for a racer. You can change from one format to another by selecting the "Format" | "Select Screen Format..." menu item. The screen format is automatically saved when the fleet file is saved. When a file is opened it will be displayed in the last format used when the file was saved. THelpTopic ============ Report Format ============ Select "Format" | "Select Report Format..." Following are samples of the Report Formats: q Normal format - Name... SCORE Class Number R_1 R_2... xxxxxx xx xxxxxx 1 1 Short format - Name... SCORE Number xxxx xxxx 1-2-1-4-ds-2 Club format - Name... SCORE Class Number Club R_1 R_2.. xxxxx xx xxxxxx xxxxx 1 1 Country format -Name... SCORE Number Club Ctry R_1 R_2.. xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxx 1 1 The report format is changed by selecting "Format" | "Report Format...". The report format determines how the score results are displayed THelpTopic =============== Over-ride Points =============== Entering OVER-RIDE Points... Race Log will automatically calculate the points earned by a sailor based on the Finish entered in the data window. If you find it necessary to Over-ride this calculation with your own points due to special scoring situations (redress, disqualification, bonus points, credit for away regattas, etc.), then just enter the points into the data window in the appropriate Race Column. You must enter the actual points with a decimal point and up to one digit to the right of the decimal. Examples: "4.5 or 4.0 or 4.". (Don't actually type the quotes). You must use a decimal point even if you are entering a whole number. The decimal tells Race Log this number is Points, not a Finish. = For the Low Point, Low Point Averaged, and Olympic Method: 9 the Over-ride points you enter are actual points. For the High Point Method: you Over-ride by entering a compromise Finish position such as 4.5 (which represents a finish between the 4th place and 5th place finishers). Race Log will calculate High Point Method scores accordingly. Turn Error Checking Off because you may end up with the "Missing Finishes" error message. A Finish of 4 and Over-ride points of 4. or 4.0 will not cause a "Duplicate Finishes" error message. THelpTopic ================== Select Top Finishers... ================== Select "Score" | "Select Top Finishers..." This is used to select the Top 10, Top 20, Bottom 10, etc. The range of finishers is selected from the Score Result Window which displays your standings. After creating the new subset of racers, use the "SaveAs" menu item from the "File" menu to save the selected data to a new filename. You can SCORE this new collection of racers. As with any SCORE'ing from a subset window you will be asked if you want to convert the scores Relative to One. THelpTopic ============= Set Race Range ============= This Dialog box appears when you select the SCORE menu selection to Score your fleet. The default of "All Races" is pre-selected. A specific range of races to be scored can be selected by clicking the "Select Race Range" option, and then using the Arrow buttons to set the Starting and Ending race you wish to Score. Re-selecting the "All Races" option will reset the Starting and Ending races to include ALL races. Normally you will Score all races to establish standings for all of your scoring data. Or you may select a subset of races and establish standings based only on those selected races. (more..) "Over-ride Throwout Percent" allows you to override the % Throwouts with an actual number of Throwouts for this scoring. This setting temporarily over- rides the % setting in Options | Score Option Settings.. THelpTopic ============= How to Start ============= Open an existing fleet file by selecting the File menu, and then the Open option. -- OR -- Open a new fleet file by selecting the File menu, and then the New option. Enter Data into the new or existing file, then SCORE the fleet by selecting the Score menu item. THelpTopic ============= Print to File ============= Select "Print" | "Print to File?..." The Print command can print the currently active window to a File instead your normal Printer destination. This allows you to use an Editor, Notepad, or Word Processor to add some finishing touches to your score standings in preparation for publishing. Simply mouse click the "( ) File" selection, and then enter a file name on the input line. The down arrow will display previous file names you have entered so you can easily reuse your previous entries. The default page width is 66 characters (appropriate for "Notepad"). You may change this so that Races will wrap in a 60 character to 157 character wide page. HTML: The Print command can print the Score Results to a File in HTML format instead your normal Printer destination. This allows you to publish the results on a Web Site. Simply mouse click the '(o) File - HTML Format' then enter a file name on the input line with a ".htm" file extension. The down arrow will display previous file names you have entered so you can easily reuse your previous entries. THelpTopic ============== Add Race Dates ============== Select "Edit" | "Add Race Dates" To Add a date to a specific race, mouse click under the RC_x column heading (or hit F4). You will be prompted to enter the date of the Race. Examples of valid date entries for June 25, 1996 062596 6/25/96 06/25/96 6-25-96 A bad date entry will result in a blank date. THelpTopic ============== Edit Race Date ============== To Add or Change a date to a specific race, mouse click under the RC_x column heading (or hit F4). You will be prompted to enter the date of the Race. Examples of valid date entries for June 25, 1996: 062596 6/25/96 06/25/96 6-25-96 A bad date entry will result in a blank date. THelpTopic ================== Select Team Format ================== Select "Options" | "Team Scoring Setup..." Team Scoring: 1) Set up Team Scoring so that a TEAM column will be displayed on the screen. 2) Enter a TEAM Identifier (2 characters) on each racer record. 3) Score your fleet file normally. All participants will be ranked.(Use any availableScore Method) 4) Score Teams while Score Results window is displayed. ( Select "Score" | "Score Teams..." ) 5) Print results. If a Team Score window is open, it will print along with the results. 6) When you close a Score Result window, the Team Score standings window will close. 7) Up to 4 separate teams can be scored in one fleet file. THelpTopic ================= Clear Finishes... ================= Clear out the data (just the Finishes) in a fleet file. Re-use last years fleet file without re-entering all of the Sailors again. Use "Save" after Clearing and your Finish data will be lost. Use "SaveAs..." to save the Cleared fleet to a new filename, and prevent losing last year's Finish data. THelpTopic % of Races to Throwout: F This is set by selecting "Options" | "Score Option Settings". This number is the percent of the races which won't count. Scores are thrown starting from the worst scores per racer including DNS's. These scores are not included in a yacht's total score. A setting of 20 indicates 20%. If 20% represents a fractional number then the number of throwouts is rounded down. (more..) When you "Score" you may over-ride the Throwouts percent. "Over-ride Throwout Percent" allows you to override the % Throwouts with an actual number of Throwouts for this scoring. This setting temporarily over- rides the % setting in "Options"|"Score Option Settings.." % See Scoring Options, and Overriding THelpTopic ==================== Print to File - HTML ==================== The Print command can print the Score Results to a File in HTML format instead your normal Printer destination. This allows you to publish the results on a Web Site. Simply mouse click the '(o) File - HTML Format' then enter a file name on the input line with a ".htm" file extension. The down arrow will display previous file names you have entered so you can easily reuse your previous entries. THelpTopic ============== Build Your Own ============== Build your own Screen Format by selecting from the list of fields. Mouse click your selections. Name and Sail Number are required. Name Sailor's Name Class Class or Team or Division Sail Number Sail Number Sailing Club Home Club State Home State Member Sailor's Membership status Country Home Country THelpTopic ============== Build Your Own ============== Build your own Report Format by selecting from the list of fields. Mouse click your selections. Name and Sail Number are required. Name Sailor's Name SCORE Computed Points for Standings Total Points before Throwouts subtracted, - Low Pt only Class Class or Team or Division Sail Number Sail Number Sailing Club Home Club State Home State Member Sailor's Membership status Country Home Country THelpTopic ====================== Definition of DNF, etc. ====================== Race Log uses the following definitions as specified in Appendix A of the most recent US Sailing International Yacht Race Rules, Race Log automatically computes the score for each based on your settings for the Scoring Options for your scoring method, see Scoring Methods for more information: DNC - Did not compete, did not come to the starting area DNS - Did not start, but came to the starting area OCS - On course side, over early DNF - Did not finish RET - Retired after finishing DSQ - Disqualified DND - Disqualified not discardable, can't be a throwout RDG - Redress given (Note: 'RDG' not actually entered into Finish, however Race Log handles RDG by allowing the scorer to actually enter the Over-ride Points instead of the Finish position, see Over-ride Points ZPG - Z flag given (Note: 'ZPG' not actually entered into Finish, however Race Log handles ZPG by allowing the scorer to actually enter the Penalty Points, see Over-ride Points THelpIndex.